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Below are just a few of our testimonials from previous clients. These testimonials reflect the level of quality service you can expect from Charter Commercial Realty.

  • From: Kaiser Aetna
    • "These are exciting times for the real estate industry. The environment is demanding, invigorating and filled with challenges. The performance of Bill Emst with Kaiser Aetna over a period of three years was outstanding.” (read full testimonial)
  • From: Justus
    • "Bill's demeanor, business professionalism and qualifications are without question. The Justus family wishes Bill great success in his continuing endeavors to assist the real estate community in Indianapolis and other areas, as he has in the past. ” (read full testimonial)
  • From: Marriott Hotel Corp.
    • "The manner in which you handled every detail to insure success of the location, development, partnership and, financing of such a project was outstanding. You are a knowledgeable Real Estate Executive, a fine negotiator, and a pleasure to work with.” (read full testimonial)
  • From: Prestwick Square Inc.
    • "During his term with our company he successfully developed all marketing materials necessary for that function and targeted solicited, and personally called on over 200 corporations. He has identified many as potential investors, and carried out a very successful program.” (read full testimonial)
  • From: Osco Drugs & Eisner Food Stores.
    • "The eleventh hour changes and completion of those changes for our opening should be awarded the Silver Star for efforts beyond and above the call of duty. (read full testimonial)
  • From: Joretta White: Principal Planner / City of Indianapolis
    • I also share with you your good fortune to be a client of Bill Ernst. I have personally dealt with him and find him to be a sensitive, reliable, and knowledgeable person.  He is a pleasure to work with, as he is dedicated to quality successful developments.”
  • From: Mayor Patricia Logan: City of Noblesville
    • “Congratulations on your recent architectural award. Your development endeavor has contributed an attractive asset to the City of Noblesville. Thank you for caring enough to invest in our respective futures.
  • From: Robert N. Kennedy: City of Indianapolis AIA Director
    • “It is a pleasure to announce that the Metropolitan Development Commission has chosen you as a winner for the excellence in development award.”

Many more Letters of recommendation and Testimonials available upon request!

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