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About Us

J. William (Bill) Ernst,

Owner/Broker/Managing Director

Bill ErnstJ.W. (Bill) Ernst, Previously VP of Business Development, Commercial Real Estate Division for Huntington National Bank, formed Charter Commercial Realty Group LLC in 2007.

Having spent in excess of 50 years in the Commercial Investment Real Estate Markets, the firm specializes in the Acquisition & Investment Brokerage, Consulting,  Asset & Property Managment and, Financing of Commercial Real Estate.

Mr. Ernst brings an outstanding background in the industry, with his vast experience in Commercial Real Estate. His previous experience spans over 5 decades of varied Retail Commercial, Multi-Family, Commerce Centers, and Hotel Development. As the Principal Owner & Managing Member of Charter Commercial Realty Group ( J.William(Bill) Ernst) during his 50 year tenure in the Commercial Real Estate Industry , has developed, leased and managed in excess of 1,000,000 Square feet of Commercial Retail Space. Mr. Ernst posseses a unique understanding and vision in the industry.

Mr. Ernst was the original founder of what is now known as the Lauth Property Group having formed that company in 1976 with Terry Eaton under the name Ernst/Eaton & Associates and later sold his interest in that company in 1984.

Prior to forming Ernst /Eaton & Associates he was Eastern Regional VP for Kaiser/Aetna’s Merchant Development arm and developed retail and commerce park properties in Florida, Georgia and Indiana. Many of those properties were sold to the Investment arms of Pension Funds some of which were Prudential’s Pension Group (PRISA Fund) as well as the Teachers Life and Annuity all of which were managed by Bill and his staff in the Indiana regional office. 

Prior to his affiliation with Kaiser/Aetna, Mr. Ernst Served as Executive VP of the Justus Companies and was responsible for the development of 4 Community Shopping Centers, 5 Auto Agencies and the Indianapolis East  Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. 

He also held the position of Director of Asset Services with C.B.Richard Ellis in the Fort Myers/Naples Florida area. During that period he was responsible for the Asset & Property Management Services for many off-shore Investment Trusts and a large portfolio of over 3,000,000 square feet of diversified commercial properties. 
Mr. Ernst was on staff of the Ft. Harrison Re-Use Authority as a consultant for the redevelopment of the 860 Acre closed US Army base. He has garnered awards for excellence in development from the Cities of Carmel, Noblesville and Indianapolis.

He is an active community supporter and has served as Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Carmel, under former Mayor Ted Johnson.  He has also served as President and Board Member of the Carmel/Clay Education Foundation, one of the founding committee members to form the Hamilton County Alliance (The economic Development Arm for Hamilton County Indiana), and one of the original committee members of the Carmel / Clay Community Foundation, which is now merged with the Legacy Fund. He was appointed by Mayor William H. Hudnut and served as Board Member and Chairman of the Design Review Committee for the Regional Center Planning for the revitalization for Downtown Indianapolis. Additionally he was a member and then President of the Carmel/Clay Educational Foundation, in Carmel Indiana serving the scholarhip needs and awards for students to enhance and further their edcuation.

He is a licensed Real Estate Broker, for the State of Indiana, and an inactive Licensed Broker for the State of Florida. He is a current member of the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors, Indiana Commercial Board of Realtors, National Association of Realtors, The Institute of Real Estate Management and a past member of the (ICSC) International Council of Shopping Centers, (BOMA) Building Owners and Managers Association, (NAA) National Apartment Association, (BAGI) Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis, and (NAHB) National Association of Home Builders. He is also a past member of the (CSI) Construction Specifications Institute and (AICPA) American Institute of Certified Planners.

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