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Prestwick Square Inc.

November 41994

To Whom it May Concern:

Bil1 Ernst has been under contract with our firm as an equity consultant from January 1, 1994 thru December 31, 1994, and named as Executive Vice President.

Bill has been responsible for developing and soliciting equity and financing sources for our development programs.

During his term with our company he successfully developed all marketing materials necessary for that function and targeted solicited, and personally called on over 200 corporations. He has identified many as potential investors, and carried out a very successful program.

We have been fortunate in identifying a single source of equity now for our ongoing project activity and have chosen to eliminate his position thus allowing us the ability to handle this function in house.

Bill is a knowledgeable and thorough professional in the investment real estate arena and possesses excellent skills in all the tasks assigned him.

He has conducted himself in the highest professional standards, and represented our company to all potential investors with dignity and a thorough working knowledge of our goals.

We would highly recommend him for most any responsible position in the industry.

Prestwick Square Inc.

Richard Freeman
Richard B. Freeman

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