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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2405 of /home/chartercomm/public_html/includes/


Dear Bill

"Your undying effort over the four year period in bringing about the development of the Indianapolis Marriott is to be commended”

"The manner in which you handled every detail to insure success of the location, development, partnership and, financing of such a project was outstanding. You are a knowledgeable Real Estate Executive, a fine negotiator, and a pleasure to work with.

We look forward to a long successful relationship.

"Whenever you are in Washington, please let me know and thanks for an outstanding effort

James Durbin
Marriott Hotel Corp. 

(Mr. Durbin retired from Marriott Corporation and now resides in Vero Beach, Fl. And up until 2 years ago was developing hotels and managing many Marriott Hotels)

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