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Charter offers an all inclusive package of services to properly analyze, develop and manage many types of real estate assets. Charter brings years of extensive knowledge in all areas of real estate including Commercial Office, Retail, Industrial, and Hotel Development. Whether a lender, developer or investor in real estate, Charter can tailor their services and assign their allied team members to provide the types of services needed to meet your needs to properly manage the asset to its fullest capability.

Charter by performing proper due diligence for Investors, or Developers will gather all pertinent information related to the asset to properly assess where the project stands today. This is required to summarize the current status of the asset for Investors, or Developers. Whether for Investment, Sale or Acquisition all available zoning, title, liens, easements, utilities and access will be researched to determine any entitlement issues as well as structures, improvements, engineering and architectural documents, and project personnel (if applicable) will all be reviewed. Financial material will be reviewed including , financial pro-formas, and financing opportunities will be gathered and summarized. The existing marketing plan and demographic target information will be reviewed as well.

Charter will then assess the material and provide the client with their summary and analysis. Financial recommendations will be made to evalaute the return on the asset. A plan to move the project forward will be presented to summarize the investment recommendations. 

Charter will then manage and oversee on the clients behalf the requirements required for the implementation stage for the services needed. 

Charter and its assigned team members offer the full spectrum of development and management services to bring the asset to the stage of completion with total and comprehensive coordination of services thus eliminating down time and to complete the transaction.

 “Initial Project Review Stage”. Charter will gather all pertinent information related to the asset to properly assess where the project stands today. All zoning, title, liens (if any), easements, utilities and access will be researched to determine any entitlement issues.  The existing market demographic target information will be reviewed as well.

“Project Recommendations Stage”.  Charter will then assess the initial project review material and provide the client with a financial update and recommendations will be made to regarding the return on the asset.

“Project Implementation Stage".  Charter can  and will then manage and oversee on the clients behalf the acquistion, and the ongoing managment and oversight of the investment during the investors holding period. Charter and the team members can offer the full spectrum of development and management services to bring the asset to the stage of completion with total and comprehensive coordination of services thus eliminating down time to complete the requirements of the transaction for sale, acquisition, ans/or completion.

BROKERAGE AND INVESTMENT SERVICES: Charter Commercial Realty Group is currently focusing on  quality small to medium size commercial real estate for current or future investor clients through its brokerage membership in ICBOR (Indiana Commercial Board of Realtors), CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Managers) ICREX (Indiana Commercial Real Estate Exchange) Loopnet Listing Services (  the many other affiliated National Real Estate Listing and Investment sources to which it belongs.

TYPES OF PROPERTIES: These properties are usually those wherein an Owner, or Developer is looking to sell or liquidate or increase Liquidity. Usually these are well positioned real estate assets, which may require Charter to provide its services to position the asset for for long term growth potential. 

INVESTMENT TYPE PROPERTIES:  Charter Commercial Realty Group is also focusing on the investment opportunities for its current investor group or future investor groups to acquire the following types of properties:

With the advent of a service oriented society consisting of the largest baby boomer generation ,the millineal generation, and a large evolving senior poulations ever in this country all who are interested in convenience, and small to medium size retail services offering neighborhood economical convenience, and/or other type related properties which make for good long term growth investments. The current financial interest rate markets and purchase prices are making the opportunities for holding these properties for longer term growth investments offer good conservative returns on those investments.

OTHER SERVICE ORIENTED PROPERTIES Additionally, Charter Commercial Realty Group is focusing on the small to mid-size self serve office/warehouse/ use properties for investment. These properties along with the service retail properties provide long term growth in the investment return becAuse of the increases in the rental structure during the lease terms.

ASSET MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Managing Real Estate assets to ensure the positioning in the market place to achieve maximum exposure and opportunity for success. This Would include study of demographic profiles, market compatibility, historical expenditures in the market, matching product to market,  income profiles, median housing pricing, gravitational flow of traffic, exposure opportunities, as well as financial structure of any debt on the asset  and ongoing market trends.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Constant evaluation and inspection of physical components of property, assurance of tenancy, review of leases, review of tenant financials, review of leasing opportunities. Evaluation of the physical property condition, collection of rentals and review of expenditures, existing tenant profiles and tenant marketing efforts, and ongoing budgeting for operations. This is a component of the Asset Management functions.

These opportunities exist currently and for the near future due to many economic influences on the market place for owners /developers needing added liquidity. With interest rates for financing at significantly lower borrowing rates this offers great upside investment  potential for these type properties as well.

Many of the above types of investment opportunities must utilize the services provided by Charter and our professional team for investor clients.

In essence a one stop shop for anyone who needs a professional experienced approach to the ongoing real estate investment market.

Brokerage, Consulting, Development, Finance,  Investment and Asset & Property Management Services

Each or all of these services are tailored for each specific client and asset. Charter can assign a team of professionals that can provide all of the needs for various projects on an ala-cart basis as the services are needed or on a Project basis. The cost of services varies depending on the scope and type of asset and can be budgeted on a phase by phase basis. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss your needs in more detail. 

As Will Rogers once said
”Put your money in Real Estate as this is all we have of it and even if we could re-manufacture it we have no place to put it.”

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